Honesty. Value. Quality Care

Having a missing tooth or losing teeth creates a gap in your smile, affects your ability to chew properly and cause bone loss.
Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are inserted into the jawbone to replace missing natural teeth. Implants and their attached crowns closely mimic the look and function of real teeth and can make an attractive alternative to bridges.
Alternatively, instead of an artificical tooth, an implant can be fitted with special clips or attachements to hold a denture. These attachements will minimise movement of the denture.
Dental Implants:
help to withstand greater bite pressures with dentures
prevent bone loss in the jaw that may reduce the risk of the adjacent natural tooth becoming loose
prevent the formation of hollowed or collapsed cheeks that can occur after extraction
are usually surrounded by gum tissue like natural teeth
may prevent gum recession
do not require the cutting or reshaping of neighbouring teeth, unlike bridges
are firmly secured in the jaws
are usually more comfortable than dentures
usually do not require separate care routines or special cleaning products, as with dentures and bridges
like natural teeth, are cleaned like natural teeth, by brushing and flossing
Properly maintained implants that are anchored by sufficient bone can last for many years, although repairs may be expected like any other dental prosthesis.
The Dental Implant Procedure
An initial consult is held with us to discuss the possibility of an implant, give options and answer any questions you may have
Thorough and indepth treatment planning of the impant(s) is perfomed, including the analysis of x-rays and CT scans using a radiographic guide to determine the best possible site for the implant
The treatment plan is discussed with you
Under sterile conditions an implant hole is prepared in the jawbone using a surgeon's guide and with a precise predetermined depth and width
The implant is inserted into the bone and sutures placed to allow integration of the bone (osseointegration) into the threads of the implant
8-12 weeks later, once the bone has healed around the implant, a healing abutment is connected to the implant to shape your gum (the healing abutment may be placed at the initial implant appointment if your dentist deems the implant stable enough)
Impressions for your crown are taken 2 weeks later
Once your crown has been manufactured it is attached to the implant by either screw or cement
Implant crown

Implant Bridge

Implant supported Denture